Facts on the Mental Health Services for Students Act

Summary: H.R. 3713, the Mental Health Services for Students Act, would provide $300 million in funding for public schools across the country to partner with local mental health professionals to establish on-site mental health services for students. The bill expands the scope of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration’s Project AWARE program, which will also set guidelines and measure the outcomes of the funded grantees.

The bill text is nearly identical to H.R. 721, the Mental Health Services for Students Act, which was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in May 2021, and included in the June 2022 House-passed H.R. 7666, the Restoring Hope for Mental Health and Well-Being Act. Only one change has been made to increase funding from $130 million to $300 million. In the 117th Congress, the bill had 86 bipartisan cosponsors and the support of over 50 mental health organizations and teacher unions.

Why do we need the Mental Health Services for Student Act?

Mental illness affects millions of students across America, with 1 out of 5 suffering from some form. Most go untreated because they either cannot afford care, lack access, or do not know where to turn for help. Investing in preventive mental health care could give these young people a better future. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, without access to mental health care, students with mental disorders can have increased problems at home, in school, and in forming friendships, and can interfere with their healthy development into adulthood.

The Mental Health Services for Students Act is a much needed part of the solution. By providing increased federal funding for mental health services in our schools, this bill will help students with preventable mental illnesses get access to the services they need. The lack of school-based mental health services has gone on long enough, and we must give our young people access to the services they deserve.

What is the current state of children and youth mental health?

What would the Mental Health Services for Students Act specifically do?

The Mental Health Services for Students Act will help students by:

Background on the Mental Health Services for Students Act:

Congresswoman Grace F. Napolitano has already implemented this program, the Youth Suicide Prevention Program, within her own congressional district since 2001, currently operating in 35 local schools. The program has proven to be tremendously successful in helping students overcome mental health issues and improving quality of life for them and their families. The Mental Health Services for Students Act seeks to expand this model nationwide to provide more students with the benefits of on-site mental health care.