Elevator Maintenance Checklist: What to Consider When Evaluating Contracts [+ Free Checklist]

Elevator Maintenance Checklist: What to Consider When Evaluating Contracts [+ Free Checklist]

When you’re evaluating your elevator maintenance plan options, you’ll probably have in mind a general idea of what you need. However, since elevators are very complicated pieces of equipment, there are certain things many people miss when they are in the research phase. Unfortunately, this often results in an elevator owner locked into a long-term contract with an unreliable service provider.

As veterans in the elevator industry, we have a substantial amount of useful knowledge that can help businesses better evaluate their options. Use the information in this article to understand what you should evaluate when comparing contracts offered by elevator service companies. You can also download our free elevator maintenance checklist to create a scope of work for your elevator maintenance plan. Our checklist will also help you conduct a line-by-line comparison of items included by each elevator company that is providing a proposal for your elevator maintenance.

Before we get started, download our free elevator maintenance checklist here.

Why You Need a Maintenance Plan

An elevator is a big investment that adds significant value to a building. The value you get out of that elevator is directly related to how well it is maintained throughout its useful life. A quality elevator maintenance program is designed to minimize risk for the elevator owner. These risks include liability issues, financial exposure and tenant dissatisfaction. Choosing the right elevator maintenance plan is critical to keeping your tenants happy and your building operating smooth and efficiently.

The right elevator maintenance contract will ensure that your elevators:

  1. Operate in accordance with applicable codes
  2. Pass required state inspections
  3. Keep your passengers safe
  4. Avoid costly repairs

What You Should Evaluate in a Contract

When you’re researching elevator maintenance plans, your options will likely include two broad contract levels: Full Maintenance or Examination and Lubrication (Oil and Grease). A Full Maintenance Agreement will provide a routine maintenance program and include any service calls related to issues that occur between maintenance visits. The advantage of a Full Maintenance agreement is that the elevator owner is able to get a fixed cost for their elevator maintenance. An Examination and Lubrication agreement includes maintenance but any service calls are billed in addition to the maintenance contract. The initial price of the maintenance contract is lower but the elevator owner is taking the financial risk for any service calls.

Each elevator service company includes and excludes different services in their own versions of these maintenance plans. As an elevator owner, it’s critical to understand the different components that make up each company’s elevator maintenance contract so that you get the most value for the money you spend. It’s important to compare “apples-to-apples” when evaluating elevator maintenance options, which is why we’ve created the checklist for you. The checklist will provide you with a free resource to easily compare the elevator maintenance products offered by different companies.


The coverage level will determine how much financial risk you are taking with your elevator — basically what you’re getting for your money. Your contract should clearly state what’s included and excluded to avoid any surprises later on.

Here are some common contract details and considerations for coverage:


Consider This:

As an elevator owner, it’s important to monitor performance during the maintenance contract term. This includes requesting reporting and monthly maintenance summaries. Some contractors may attempt to change maintenance intervals to every six weeks or even once a quarter, regardless of whether your contract includes monthly preventative maintenance. The number of hours you should expect each month for maintenance should be guaranteed, otherwise you should receive a full credit for the missed examination. But even with the credit, a company that neglects to consistently check your elevator is not a reliable service provider.


Cost will likely be one of your deciding factors when it comes to selecting a service provider but it’s important to realize that the cheapest option doesn’t always end up being the most affordable.

For example, an Examination and Lubrication agreement is usually the inexpensive option because it doesn’t include things like unscheduled service calls or replacement parts. However, with this type of maintenance plan, unforeseen repairs and service calls could make your overall expense much higher than a Full Maintenance agreement. The benefit of a Full Maintenance agreement is that you can budget a fixed monthly amount and not have to worry about repair expenses.

Here are some additional pricing details to check:


Consider This:

Safety & Criteria Factors

There is no “one-size-fits-all” elevator maintenance checklist. The safety checks will depend on the type of elevator equipment you have, so the elevator technician will have an elevator maintenance checklist that is specific to your equipment’s exact make and model. Some of the basics that a technician will assess include:

  1. Safety circuits
  2. Foot pound pressure on door closing
  3. Door protection
  4. Oil levels
  5. Signal and light bulbs
  6. Ride comfort
  7. Leveling at landings

Ask your maintenance provider for a checklist of safety tests specific to your elevators that are guaranteed to be performed at every visit.

Terms & Conditions

The terms and conditions of an elevator maintenance contract will include things like beginning and end dates of coverage, specific clauses and any responsibilities you will have as part of the agreement.

These are some additional examples:


Consider This:

Additional Criteria

These include the little things about the company that you may not think of while you’re assessing a contract. These criteria are specific to the service provider:


Consider This:

To verify the company’s experience, have them provide at least five references from businesses they’ve worked with for at least five years. This should include businesses with elevator models similar to yours, so you can be confident in knowing that the company is familiar with your specific equipment.

Get a Free Elevator Maintenance Checklist

To make the contract evaluation process easier, we’ve created an elevator maintenance checklist that will help you better visualize your options.

Download Our Free Elevator Maintenance Checklist

As VP of Operations for Stanley Elevator, Ryan oversees the field, construction and modernization teams. His resume includes over 10 years of first-hand experience in elevator field service, project management, surveying, estimating and warehouse operations.

Ryan’s role focuses on incorporating new technologies into Stanley Elevator’s operations, while prioritizing the continuous advancement of their elevator maintenance, repairs, modernization and installation services. He also maintains Stanley Elevator’s certifications and relationships with associations, including the Massachusetts Elevator Safety Association (MESA), the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA), the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the Elevator Contractors of America (ECA).

Ryan holds a bachelor’s degree in management from Providence College and is working on an MBA at Babson College.