CES Waiver Services

Our CES Waiver Services aim to support individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) in all major life activities. This helps them live in a community rather than in an institutional setting.

The CES Waiver is a state and federally funded program for individuals with developmental disabilities. The program promotes inclusion for clients through community experiences and provides coordination of access to available services. The CES Waiver can provide various services such as supported living, non-medical transportation, specialized medical supplies, adaptive equipment, and supplemental support. One of the most important features of the Waiver Program is the Person Centered Service Plan. This service plan lists all the different services the individual will need and is reviewed annually by the individual’s team.

An individual who has been approved for a CES Waiver slot is provided the choice of residing in the least restrictive setting with Waiver Services and other supports rather than residing in an institutional setting.

Across the state of Arkansas, there are more than 4,500 people waiting for a CES Waiver slot. Arkansans of all ages with IDD may apply. It is imperative to apply as early as possible so that services are not delayed when they are needed.

One Vision, Multiple Approach

At First Step, we want to assist you with this process. Contact our Home & Community Based Services office at 501-620-5432. We will guide you in marking off the items on the checklist below and answering any questions you may have along the way.

Checklist of items to complete:

  1. CES Waiver Application Submission
  2. Attributed to a PASSE
  3. PASSE Care Coordinator Information
  4. CES Waiver Approval
  5. Provider Choice Form completed choosing First Step as the CES Waiver Provider
  6. First Step CES Waiver Application
  7. First Step/On Our Own Residential Application (if applicable)