Canada-Wide Early Learning & Child Care (CWELCC) System – Operator Information

The Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) system supports quality, accessibility, affordability, and inclusivity in licensed child care.

The CWELCC system is a five-year plan that is being implemented in stages, to make child care more accessible and affordable. Fees will reduce every year, reaching an average fee of $10/day by 2025-2026.

In the City of Toronto, the CWELCC system will:

As the service system manager (SSM/CMSM) for Toronto, the City’s role in the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care system is to:

For more information, Agencies can contact the consultant assigned to the child care location or Agency. Contact information can be found in the A-Z Listing.

CWELCC Expansion & Start-up Grants in Toronto – Group Child Care

The 2024 Application for CWELCC Expansion and Start-up Grants is now closed. The application process opened May 8, 2024. The deadline to submit applications was June 6, 2024.

For Francophone Agencies the 2024 Application for CWELCC Expansion and Start-up Grants is now closed. The application process opened May 22, 2024. The deadline to submit applications was June 19, 2024.

All CWELCC Expansion and Start-up Grant applications will be reviewed and approved based on Toronto Children’s Services eligibility criteria, priorities, and space and funding allocations that align with the Ministry of Education’s Access and Inclusion Framework and Toronto Children’s Services Growth Strategy. Other eligibility requirements may be developed and applied by the City of Toronto related to Directed Growth.

Further to the expansion criteria, the Ministry of Education has directed the City of Toronto to maintain its current proportion of not-for-profit child care spaces. In Toronto, a minimum of 80% of the new spaces approved must be not-for-profit spaces. This will be monitored and actioned by Children’s Service throughout the expansion process.

Child Care Agencies that meet the following criteria were eligible to apply:

*For more information on the Toronto Children’s Services’ approach to enhance access and inclusion for priority areas and target populations see the June 14, 2023 City of Toronto Council approved report page 9 for the Priority Levels for CWELCC Expansion by Toronto Wards map. To lookup your location’s ward, please visit the Ward Profiles – City of Toronto webpage

Eligibility Criteria for 2024 CWELCC

Eligible Licensed Child Care Agencies

A pplication Types that do not require the 2024 Expansion and Start-up Grant Application

Applications for new or expansion of Kindergarten and School Age programs in publicly funded schools are approved through the School Boards working directly with TCS and do not require this application.

Child Care Centre Requirements

Other eligibility requirements may be developed and applied by the City of Toronto related to Directed Growth.

Eligibility for CWELCC Start-up Grant

The Start-up Grant is available to not-for-profit and commercial Licensed Child Care Agencies enrolled in CWELCC.

For additional information on the Start-up Grant, including eligible expenses, please see the Ministry of Education CWELCC Guidelines, March 2024

CWELCC Expansion & Start-up Grants in Toronto – Home Child Care

The 2024 Application for CWELCC Expansion and Start-up Grants opened May 8, 2024 and the deadline to submit applications was June 6, 2024.

For Francophone Agencies the 2024 Application for CWELCC Expansion and Start-up Grants is now closed. The application process opened May 22, 2024. The deadline to submit applications was June 19, 2024.

All CWELCC Expansion and Start-up Grant applications will be reviewed and approved based on Toronto Children’s Services eligibility criteria, priorities, and space and funding allocations that align with the Ministry of Education’s Access and Inclusion Framework and Toronto Children’s Services Growth Strategy. Other eligibility requirements may be developed and applied by the City of Toronto related to Directed Growth.

Further to the expansion criteria, the Ministry of Education has directed the City of Toronto to maintain its current proportion of not-for-profit child care spaces. In Toronto, a minimum of 80% of the new spaces approved must be not-for-profit spaces. This will be monitored and actioned by Children’s Service throughout the expansion process.

Home Child Care Agencies that meet the following criteria were eligible to apply:

Eligibility Criteria for 2024 CWELCC

Eligibility for CWELCC Start-up Grant

The Start-up Grant supports the creation of new licensed full day child care spaces for children 0-4 in targeted regions for underserved communities and populations. High need populations include vulnerable children, including those living in low income, children with extra support needs, and Indigenous and Francophone communities.

To support the creation of new spaces approved Home Child Care Agencies will be able to receive grants of up to $1,200 per new CWELCC space created, to a maximum of $7,200 per provider.

For additional information on the Start-up Grant, including eligible expenses, please see the Ministry of Education CWELCC Guidelines, March 2024

2024 Workforce Funding (CWW)




Documenting wages

Agency CWW Distribution

2024 New Wage Ceiling and Wage Floor charts

2024 New Wage Ceiling, effective January 1, 2024

Wage Eligibility Ceiling 2022 to 2026* 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
RECE Program Staff $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 $27.00 $28.00
RECE Supervisor/RECE Home Child Care Visitor $25.00 $25.00 $29.00 $30.00 $31.00

*In addition to the hourly wage staff are required to receive benefits

2024 New Wage Floor, effective January 1, 2024

Wage Eligibility Ceiling 2022 to 2026* 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
RECE Program Staff $18.00 $19.00 $23.86 $24.86 $25.86
RECE Supervisor/RECE Home Child Care Visitor $20.00 $21.00 $24.86 $25.86 $26.86

*In addition to the hourly wage staff are required to receive benefits

How to determine CWELCC Workforce Annual and Wage Floor Eligibility

  1. The base wage (by employer, which may include any Agency wage increases)
  2. PWE ($2/hour, up to maximum as per PWE guidelines)
  3. CWELCC Annual Wage Increase $2/hour, up to $26/hour for program staff and $29/hour for supervisor/HCC visitor
  4. CWELCC Wage Floor funding, if applicable

Additional Resources

Fee Reduction & Audit Requirements

2024 CWELCC fee reduction requirements (as of January 1, 2024):

Audit requirements:

For more information on Toronto Children’s Services financial requirements including audit and budget guidelines, please visit the Contract & Financial Information.

20 Days of Closure

During the term of the CWELCC funding agreement, a licensed child care program may not exceed two consecutive weeks of closure, and not more than four weeks of closure within a calendar year where parents are charged fees.

Sale/Transfer of Shares

Agencies that are considering a sale or transfer of shares are subject to an application process to determine if the Service Agreement is eligible for transfer and if the transfer will be approved.

For more information on Toronto Children’s Services sale or transfer of shares requirements, please visit Contract & Financial Information.

Child Care Centre Closure or Relocation

Agencies with an existing Service Agreement with Toronto Children’s Services that are considering a closure or relocation of their child care centre (temporary or permanent) must contact their District Consultant for further information. Contact information can be found in the A-Z Listing .