11 Ways Oceans Influence Climate Changes

Oceans cover about 70% <a href=of the Earth" width="1600" height="900" />

Oceans absorb heat and carbon dioxide, shaping climate and weather patterns globally through heat distribution and carbon storage.

Principal Scientist and Lecturer of Marine Science, with a PhD in Zoology

Explore the depths of our article and read our expert's opinion at the end

Our oceans cover approximately 70% of the Earth’s surface and have a reciprocal relationship with our climate. They act as a giant heat sink and carbon sink, moderating global temperatures and absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide. In essence, the health of our oceans is inextricably linked to the health of our climate system.

Scientists use a combination of tools like satellites, ocean buoys, and computer models to understand how these relationships work.

Here are some key ways oceans influence our climate:

Heat Absorption and Redistribution

Climate impact: Distribute absorbed solar heat globally, influencing climate by regulating temperature

As already indicated, oceans are vast reservoirs of heat. They absorb a significant amount of solar radiation, especially in tropical regions, and distribute it around the globe through ocean currents.

Oceans absorb a significant amount of solar radiation and distribute it around the globe

The circulation of currents helps to regulate regional and global climates. Warm ocean currents carry heat from the equator toward the poles. In contrast, cold currents transport cooler waters back to the equator.

Influence on Atmospheric Circulation

Climate impact: Heat exchange from warm oceans affects atmospheric circulation, driving the formation of trade winds and monsoons

The heat and moisture exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere also affect patterns in atmospheric circulation. As warm air rises over the equatorial oceans, it creates low-pressure systems that drive the formation of trade winds and monsoons. These wind patterns play a crucial role in transporting heat and moisture further inland, shaping regional weather and precipitation patterns.

Evaporation and Precipitation

Climate impact: Ocean temperature changes modify evaporation rates, altering global rainfall patterns

The evaporation of seawater represents a significant source of atmospheric moisture. When this moisture condenses and forms clouds, it leads to precipitation over both ocean and land areas.

Changes in ocean temperatures can potentially lead to droughts or floods

Changes in ocean temperatures can potentially lead to droughts or floods because they affect evaporation rates, altering the amount and distribution of rainfall on a regional scale. Understanding these dynamics is essential for predicting future climate patterns and developing strategies to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Carbon Sink

Climate impact: Oceans absorb atmospheric CO2, regulating greenhouse gas levels

Oceans act as a vital carbon sink, absorbing substantial carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide dissolves into the surface waters through the carbon cycle and is transported to the deep ocean through various mechanisms.

This helps regulate the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, mitigating the greenhouse effect and influencing global climate. Without this buffering effect, our climate would be much harsher.

Feedback Mechanisms

Climate impact: Oceans respond to climate change with feedbacks like melting ice, affecting salinity and heat distribution

Changes in climate conditions also trigger feedback mechanisms within the oceans. For example, polar ice caps and glaciers melt as global temperatures rise, releasing freshwater into the oceans.

This influx of freshwater alters the properties of ocean water. Salinity plays a crucial role in ocean density. Saltier water is denser and sinks deeper, driving the large-scale ocean circulation patterns that distribute heat around the globe.

Sea Level Rise

Climate impact: Melting ice increases sea levels, exacerbating climate change effects

Climate change and rising global temperatures are melting land-based ice sheets and glaciers at an alarming rate. This profoundly impacts our oceans, causing sea levels to rise. The consequences are far-reaching and pose a significant challenge for coastal communities worldwide.

Higher sea levels act as a base upon which storm surges build. This means storms can cause even more devastating coastal flooding as the surge has a higher starting point. These challenges necessitate adaptation strategies like coastal defenses, relocation plans, and improved water management to protect our coastlines and the communities that call them home.

El Niño and La Niña

Climate impact: Alter global climate patterns through changes in ocean temperature and atmospheric pressure

Oceans in the tropical Pacific Ocean region play a significant role in El Niño and La Niña occurrences. During El Niño, the normally cool eastern Pacific waters become warm, leading to changes in atmospheric pressure and wind patterns. El Niño can even influence jet stream patterns, impacting weather patterns in far-flung regions like Europe and Africa.

La Niña is El Niño’s cooler counterpart. Trade winds intensify, pushing more warm surface water westward towards Asia. This exposes cooler water temperatures in the eastern Pacific. La Niña can also influence hurricane formation and disrupt ocean circulation patterns.

Ocean Acidification

Climate impact: Affects marine life and ecosystems, with broader climate implications

Increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere lead to ocean acidification. As the oceans absorb more carbon dioxide, they become more acidic. Acidic waters can harm marine organisms, particularly those with calcium carbonate shells or skeletons, such as corals, mollusks and some plankton species. The loss of these organisms can disrupt marine ecosystems, impacting the overall health and productivity of the oceans.

Hurricanes and Tropical Cyclones

Climate impact: Warmer oceans intensify hurricanes and cyclones

Oceans provide the energy source for the formation and intensification of hurricanes and tropical cyclones. Warm ocean surface temperatures of at least 26.5°C (79.7°F) provide the necessary heat to fuel these powerful storms. As climate change leads to increased sea surface temperatures, it can potentially contribute to the intensification of these storms, making them more frequent and severe.

Melting of Polar Ice

Climate impact: The melting ice from oceans influences global heat distribution and precipitation

Oceans are also closely connected to melting polar ice caps and glaciers. The Arctic and Antarctic regions experience accelerated ice loss as global temperatures rise.

The melting polar ice caps affect global precipitation and heat levels

The melting of polar ice contributes to sea-level rise, alters ocean salinity, and affects ocean circulation patterns. These changes can have cascading effects on regional and global climates, including shifts in precipitation patterns and disruptions in the distribution of heat around the planet.

How to Mitigate the Impact of Climate Change on Oceans

The ocean’s role in regulating our climate is undeniable. So, what can we do to help these vital carbon sinks weather the storm of climate change?

Going by the current trends, reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the most effective way. According to the Paris Agreement, this requires a concerted effort by individuals, businesses, and governments worldwide. We should reduce our carbon footprint. A great way is to invest in green technologies.

Another solution is to implement sustainable fishing practices. Overfishing and destructive fishing practices have harmed many marine ecosystems and reduced biodiversity. By implementing sustainable fishing practices, fisheries can protect the oceans’ delicate balance and ensure that fish populations remain healthy for future generations.

Additionally, we should protect our marine ecosystems. Some long-term solutions or best ways to do this are creating marine protected areas and preventing the destruction of critical habitats such as coral reefs.

Ocean Insights: Hear From Our Experts

By Dr. Rabiah Ryklief

Principal Scientist and Lecturer of Marine Science, with a PhD in Zoology

Looking back from the present, it's clear the ocean is Earth's climate historian. Locked within its ice cores, sediments, and even the oxygen isotope ratios in its deep waters lie a detailed record of past climatic shifts. By studying these archives, we can understand the natural rhythms of our planet. The irony is that the very ocean that holds this record is now the canary in the coal mine for human-caused climate change. Rising temperatures, acidification, and disrupted currents are all leaving their mark on the ocean's memory. But by deciphering these new chapters in the ocean's life history, we can understand the pace and severity of climate change to potentially find clues for mitigating its effects. Protecting the ocean is more than just safeguarding marine life- it's about preserving the very record that can help us find solutions to the current climate crisis.


How are warming oceans related to climate change?

Warming oceans are a clear indication of climate change. As the Earth’s temperature increases due to the release of greenhouse gases, the oceans absorb a significant amount of the excess heat. The ocean has extracted over 90% of the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gases since the 1970s. This warming significantly impacts the planet, including rising sea levels, more severe weather events, and ecological impacts on marine environments.

How have oceans changed over time?

The oceans have undergone significant changes over time in many ways. For example, the temperature has been increasing over the past century due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Also, the oceans have become more acidic as they absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide. Also, the amount of oxygen in the oceans has declined over the past few.

Does it matter if you know how oceans relate to climate change?

Yes, it matters because our oceans are a critical part of the Earth’s system, providing essential services to humans and ecosystems. Understanding how oceans relate to climatic changes is vital for developing effective strategies for protecting marine ecosystems, ensuring food security, and promoting sustainable economic development.

What can one do to mitigate the impacts of climate change on the oceans?

Mitigating the impacts of these changes on the oceans requires a multi-pronged approach that includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable ocean-based industries. It also includes protecting marine ecosystems and biodiversity and investing in adaptation measures to help coastal communities adapt to rising sea levels and other impacts. This requires coordination among governments, businesses, and civil society organizations.

Why is ocean warming bad?

Healthy oceans are vital for fisheries, as billions depend on them for food security and economic well-being. However, ocean warming disrupts the delicate balance of marine ecosystems, harming countless species. Coral reefs, for example, bleach and die under stress from warmer waters. These vibrant underwater cities are vital for countless species, and their loss disrupts the food chain.